
Interviews: ESR Answers Your Questions 117
Last week you had the chance to ask ESR about books, guns, and open source software. Below you'll find his answers to those questions.
What about protocols? by Anonymous Coward
What are your feelings about protocols and file formats and keeping them open? Where do the efforts to keep protocols and file formats open and accessible to others fall on your list of priorities?
ESR: I don't think my answer will surprise you. When the function of software is defined by a requirement to be compatible with a protocol or file format, openness of the protocol or formats is even more important than the licensing status of any of the implementations around it.
The reason should be obvious. If the protocol is well documented and open, you can build open-source code to process it. On the other hand, if crucial parts are undocumented or (worse) require techniques that are under a non-royalty-free patent, *any* code touching it can have a serious problem.
There's a productive analogy with DNA and ribosomes here which I leave for the reader to fill in.
by Canek
As a long time "Unix philosophy" advocate, and in the light of the announced switch to it by Debian, Ubuntu, and basically every other major Linux distribution, what do you think of systemd, and the tight vertical integration it intends to bring as a standard plumbing for (most of) all Linux distributions?
ESR: I apologize; I haven't studied systemd in the detail that would be required for me to give a firm answer to this - it's been on my to-do list for a while, but I'm buried in other projects.
I want to study it carefully because I'm a bit troubled by what I hear about the feature set and the goals. From that, I fear it may be one of those projects that is teetering right at the edge of manageable complexity - OK as long as an architect with a strong sense of design discipline is running things, but very prone to mission creep and bloat and likely to turn into a nasty hairball over the longer term.
But this may be me being too pessimistic. I don't actually think I know yet.
here's an obvious one..
by Connie_Lingus
it's been almost 20 years since your write tCatB...i gave it a quick read and thought, "well, it *is* dated now, isn't it?" altho i am old enough to remember when its' ideas were pretty cutting edge. Given the current state of software development (ie the ease of use of PHP and the fact that, without a doubt, the cathedral model has won), what would you either like to change or add to your original thesis?
ESR: Um. What color is the sky on your planet? The one where the cathedral model has won, I mean.
What's happening on Earth is just the opposite - even where bazaar-mode development hasn't taken over, many organizations that would previously have run their projects in a cathedral style are trying really hard to flatten out hierarchies, lighten up, and co-opt the many-eyeballs effect in any way they can. This is pretty clear just from what shows up in my mailbox - and see my later response to a question about Apple, too.
I think there have been some significant shifts in methodology that would affect the book if I were writing it today. A big one is that systematic use of version control is now pervasive in a way it was not then (when CaTB was written, Subversion wasn't out of early alpha stage yet; git and hg weren't even imagined). Development workflow is now correspondingly much more centered around shared public repositories.
The effects of always being able to revert to known codebase states rapidly are subtle but very large. One obvious one is that the risk factor of exploration drops significantly. That includes the risk in taking patches from strangers.
Less obvious but just as important is how sharp version-control tools raise the effectiveness and reduce the friction cost of testing techniques. In 2001 we couldn't routinely run bisections to pinpoint bad code changes; our tools were too slow and clumsy. Now we can, and the effect is to make building good unit and regression-test suites both easier and more rewarding in defects squashed per hours invested.
The reason I'm going on about this is that, like any technique that increases our visibility into the code's behavioral space, better test suites tremendously amplify the positive effects of code review. Of course that feeds through into a differential competitive advantage for open source, because our process naturally recruits more code reviewers than closed-source shops can usually afford to hire.
Here's an example of the effect. There's a project I've led since about 2005 called GPSD, a service daemon that handles GPSes and other geodetic sensors. It's *everywhere* in mobile embedded systems, including your Android phone - we must have well over over a billion deployments by now. Yet our defect rate is so low that months go by at a time between single bug reports.
Why? Because I wrote a test suite with good coverage - and use a test strategy that relies on fast rollback capabilities I plain didn't have before modern version control. Changes in tools change the rules. It's much easier to get to the this-never-breaks level of reliability than it was when I wrote CatB, if you know what you're doing.
(For much more on this case study see my paper on the architecture of GPSD; there's a major section on engineering for high reliability.)
Open-source development has quite a few advantages over closed in exploiting this possibility - better tools, healthier culture, and just plain more developers. I think a major theme of the next decade is going to be learning to systematically capture these gains.
How to ask questions
by houstonbofh
When you wrote "How to ask questions" did you have any idea how big it would be? Or how long it would be relevant? And how do you feel that your most referenced piece of work is a howto for the clueless? :)
ESR: I'm not sure it is my most referenced piece of work. Either "How To Become A Hacker" or the Jargon File could easily be getting more hits; I haven't bothered to track this.
But supposing it is, that's OK. I expect it to be relevant for a very long time, because the newbies and the clueless are always with us.
Halloween Documents
by frdmfghtr
I recall reading (and re-reading on occasion) the Halloween Documents. Have you written anything regarding any other opponents to OSS, or perhaps a look back on them and see what the end effect of Microsoft's attempts did long term?
ESR: I haven't written a retrospective, or anything else really similar.
I think those documents had a pretty significant effect in legitimizing not buying the Microsoft lock-in. The trade press certainly thought so at the time, and the intervening decade and a half hasn't given me any reason to suppose they were wrong.
How essential is software redistribution rights?
by unixisc
One of the issues w/ Open Source has been the freedom to redistribute software downstream - be it just binaries, just source or any combination of the 2. Do you think there are any good ways for software companies who make their software open source to prevent their customers from effectively becoming their competitors - by giving away or selling cheaper what they were sold? Or is the only alternative going for a shared-source approach, as opposed to open source, where redistribution can be explicitly prohibited?
ESR: If your customers are selling your open-source software for a lower price than you are, then you're doing it wrong! You need to face the question of why you've attached a sales price to the software itself at all. I think that's a doomed approach.
You need to be thinking about monetizing that investment in a different way. The most obvious is service and consulting contracts around the code. You have the advantage there; as the originators, you are in a better position to add value to the bundle than your competitors are.
There are a couple other potential business models here, but none I can recommend without knowing more details about your situation. My advice in The Magic Cauldron is still quite relevant.
What about the new wave of proprietary programs
by necro351
So it seems these days the most effective method of DRM is a network interface, like that used by Facebook, Google, Pinterest, etc... You cannot run your own instance of Gmail or Facebook, and you certainly cannot see or modify the code. At the same time all these companies are pressuring us to push our data into their servers by not supporting or coming up with solutions that let us continue to control/manage our data on our own machines and private networks. What can open source do to stem that tide? What about open source licensing? Could webkit or Mozilla have slowed down the encroachment of Chrom/ium and its pro-Google agenda if it had more defensive licensing terms like something similar to the GPL? How do we convince hackers to hack on open-source 'website programs', like an open Gmail or an open Facebook (e.g., Diaspora)?
ESR: You're pointing at a real problem. I don't know of any near-term solutions beyond being very careful what services you allow to draw you into their web. I run my own mailserver, rather than using GMail, for exactly this reason. I don't use Facebook or Pinterest. I use G+ for nonessential things only.
I don't think defensive or reciprocal licensing can solve the problem, because it is not one created by code secrecy. The service providers are trading on real advantages of scale that they would still collect if every line of source code in their app stack were public; the value they're offering actually comes from ubiquity and synergy.
In fact I'm a little surprised they even bother maintaining code secrecy, it has nothing whatsoever to do with their value proposition. I think we're seeing a result of instinctive territoriality rather than rational thought.
I'd love to believe that projects like Diaspora are a long-term solution to the problem, but I don't - basically because no matter how attractive and ingenious your software is, it tales gobs of capital expenditure on server farms to scale up to where you're any kind of functional competition to Facebook/Google/Pinterest etc.
In the long term I think the way we'll win is if the giants have to compete with each other for business by giving their customers exit and recovery options. Google's Data Liberation Front is a positive early sign.
Linus's Law (Many Eyes) Problems
by carp3_noct3m
Hi, there is currently some debate about the many eyes theory over on HNews about why it's a fallacious argument, but in my view they have it all wrong, in that a core component of Linus's Law is that the amount of code is directly inverse to the amount of eyes that can hit all of that code (or a significant percentage). Therefore, in my eyes it is the problem of code bloat that is undermining the open source movement more than anything. For example, the Linux kernel is now at, what, 10mil+ lines of code? That's insane. Minix 3, on the other hand, is at ~15k?
What are your thoughts on this problem?
ESR: I think you raise a valid point about code bloat being a problem. On the other hand, the code-coverage effectiveness of individual developers is also rising for reasons I wrote about in response to a previous question - better tools and better testing strategies feeding back on each other in virtuous ways.
A lot of criticisms of Linus's Law (including the Hacker News thread, as far down as I read it) miss the point that "many eyeballs" isn't just about sheer volume of people reviewing code, it's about diversity of assumptions. You want people reviewing the code that don't all work for the same company and report to the same boss - people who speak different languages, different toolkits, different expertise areas.
A handful of people who think very differently may be more effective auditors than an army with identical blind-spots. By recruiting more people you're maximizing the odds of good diversity in the subgroup that actually reviews any given section of code.
I actually chuckled when I read the Hacker News thread, because I've seen this movie before after every serious security flap in an open-source tool. The script, which includes a bunch of people indignantly exclaiming that many-eyeballs is useless because bug X lurked in a dusty corner for Y months, is so predictable that I can anticipate a lot of the lines.
The mistake being made here is a classic example of Frederic Bastiat's things seen versus things unseen. Critics of Linus's Law overweight the bug they can *see* and underweight the high probability that equivalently positioned closed-source security flaws they *can't* see are actually far worse, just so far undiscovered.
That's how it seems to go whenever we get a hint of the defect rate inside closed-source blobs, anyway. As a very pertinent example, in the last couple months I've learned some things about the security-defect density in proprietary firmware on residential and small business Internet routers that would absolutely curl your hair. It's far, far worse than most people understand out there.
Friends don't let friends run factory firmware. You really do *not* want to be relying on anything less audited than OpenWRT or one of its kindred (DDWRT, or CeroWRT for the bleeding edge). And yet the next time any security flaw turns up in one of those open-source projects, we'll see a replay of the movie with yet another round of squawking about open source not working.
Ironically enough this will happen precisely because the open-source process *is* working ... while, elsewhere, bugs that are *far* worse lurk in closed-source router firmware. Things seen vs. things unseen...
Apple today
by wordtech
Your comments in The Art of Unix Programming about Apple/Mac developers being diametrically opposed to Unix developers in development style and emphases (designing simple, user-friendly interfaces from the outside in) were quite interesting. I am wondering about your perspective on Apple now. My interest is specifically in Apple's contributions to open-source (WebKit and LLVM, chiefly) and your take on those. It seems to me that Apple has done quite a bit to foster an alternative ecosystem to the GNU environment, for instance in FreeBSD's adoption of clang as their default compiler; and also it seems to to me that WebKit has supplanted Gecko as the most widely used browser framework. Curious about your viewpoint here.
ESR: In answering an earlier question I spoke of organizations that would previously have developed in a secretive cathedral mode adopting the bazaar model and open-source practices. Projects like LLVM and Webkit exemplify this trend.
The interesting thing about these projects is that they're not just facades. They really seem to welcome, not just as outside contributors but sometimes as full-time employees, people who are from the Unix-descended open-source culture (with its inside-to-out priorities) rather than interface-centric Mac guys.
That - and of course, OS X - tells us Apple's technical culture in't what it used to be. It's more Unix-influenced now, more open, has more hacker in it. Obviously that doesn't fix every problem with Apple - I'm with RMS in judging the locked-down, walled-garden design of their phones and tablets to be a very bad thing for users in the longer term - but it's movement in a good direction.
AK or AR
by gmhowell
Which is the better battle rifle, an AK-47/74 type or an AR-15/M-16/M-4 type? Please give your criteria as well as your answer. Bonus: favorite handgun platform/caliber that isn't a .45 1911.
ESR: "Better battle rifle" depends on who you're equipping, and for what. I lean towards the AR-15 because I'm from a culture that readily produces people with good marksmanship, fire discipline, and steadiness onder combat pressure. The AR-15 is the better weapon to match those traits - it rewards skill in the shooter and you can actually use it at distance.
On the other hand, if your troops are savages or bandits who can barely clean a weapon and for whom the natural mode is short-range spray'n'pray, the AK-47 is probably a better choice. It hardly rewards shooter skill at all, but handles egregious abuse under field conditions better.
As for what I like when I don't have .45ACP handy, my answer is easy and boring: .40S&W. Medium-caliber semis suit me very well. I don't mind shooting my wife's Glock .40 at all, and it's likely what I'd carry if not for John Moses Browning (peace be unto him)
Question I'd have asked (Score:1, Troll)
Hey, Eric, does this look like Fortran to you?
Fucking clown.
quote (Score:2)
I expect it to be relevant for a very long time, because the newbies and the clueless are always with us.
sigh. This is why we will always have spam.
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AR15 != battle rifle (Score:3)
Sorry... it just ain't. Needs to be in a caliber that starts with a "3" (or "7" if you use metric measurements).
How about the FN-FAL or M1a instead?
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If all that counted was the number of projectiles you'd have been able to sink a battleship with a raft carrying a Gatling gun.
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At the time 5.56x45mm NATO was adopted, there was research conducted that showed that most engagements took place at shorter ranges. It was also decided that incapacitating an enemy with a smaller cartridge was better than killing them with a larger one, as it produced a burden for the opposing side. Given that, it was decided to adopt the 5.56x45 because you could carry more of it. For the same weight, you could incapacitate more people with 5.56 than you could with 7.62x51mm (or .308 WIN if you haven't ad
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So the correct answer to this question was the one ESR asked - for who and for what?
That's why I asked him to specify criteria when he answered. IMNSHO, the answer is almost entirely dependent on the criteria, as evidenced by the poster above who mentioned the FNFAL, etc.
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At the time 5.56x45mm NATO was adopted, there was research conducted that showed that most engagements took place at shorter ranges. It was also decided that incapacitating an enemy with a smaller cartridge was better than killing them with a larger one, as it produced a burden for the opposing side
No, that was when .280 British was proposed, which the US rejected as being to small and underpowered. Only to adopt the pathetic 5.56x45 against all Nato rules when they realised the 7.62x51 would never be usable in an automatic (as opposed to semi-auto) rifle.
And then wank around for decades alternately denying the problems with 5.56x45 and working on things like 6.8 Remington SPC.
Other dimension (Score:2)
Assault rifle rounds:
NATO M-16/M-4: 5.56x45
Soviet AK-47: 7.62x39 & 5.45x39
Class-defining StG44: 7.92x33
Battle rifle rounds: .30-06 (7.62x63)
NATO: 7.62x51
Soviet: 7.62x54
But there are a few older, obscure rounds that were under 7mm. So in general, the sign of a "full power" or battle rifle round is to be around 7mm, but the length should be over 50mm, which of course equates to the amount of powder that can be loaded. This produces the 1,000 meter shots that soldiers with battle rifles are expected to
.300 Blackout? .458 SOCOM? (Score:2)
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In modern parlance the AR15 is definitely a "battle rifle". Does it have the terminal ballistics and barrier penetration of 762 NATO or .30-06? Nope. But it's more than sufficient to put someone down, and the light ammo load makes it ideal for a wide range of applications. The 69+ gr. loads even have good external ballistics so you can hit out past 500Y.
There's only really two reason you'd want to get into a 7.62 rifle - either you need sub-2MOA accuracy (which the 5.56 ecosystem isn't really set up for
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No, it is not. It's an assault rifle.
Even wikipedia gets this right: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_rifle
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No, it's an assault rifle.
Re:AR15 != battle rifle (nor assault rifle) (Score:1)
AR15 is a semi automatic rifle. It is a scary (usually) black gun. Gun control folks like to call these assault weapons.
M16 is a select fire (fully automatic) rifle. These are classed as assault rifles. The key elements are full auto capability and an intermediate cartridge (compared to 308 30'06 and similar physically larger cartridges).
The distinction between fully automatic and semi automatic capabilities is key.
Assault Rifle = Fully automatic rifle firing an intermediate power rifle cartridge
Assault Wea
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I was talking about the platform and its derivations in the context of military usage. The original AR-15 was selective fire, and it was adopted by the US military as the M-16. What is marketed to civilians is the semi-automatic version of it.
The difference here is assault rifle (intermediate cartridge) vs. battle rifle (full power cartridge).
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Still doesn't get it (Score:4, Insightful)
A lot of criticisms of Linus's Law (including the Hacker News thread, as far down as I read it) miss the point that "many eyeballs" isn't just about sheer volume of people reviewing code, it's about diversity of assumptions. You want people reviewing the code that don't all work for the same company and report to the same boss - people who speak different languages, different toolkits, different expertise areas.
The many-eyes attempt falters because OSS projects tend to self-select away the differences that would be meaningful. Most people who want to do OSS code want to code, not to debug other people's code (people who like to debug get plenty of that working in the big companies). A newcomer to a project is likely to read over the existing files for a while to try to figure out how to splice in whatever idea they want to work on, and the newcomer's code will be triple-checked by the old-hats, but it's far too easier for the established participants to just trust that their peers are doing enough self-testing.
In a sense, the camaraderie of an OSS project negates much of the many-eyes potential to find flaws. In contrast, the distrust between development groups and testing groups in 'cathedral style' development is often overridden by managerial insistence that a random deadline be met, so many bugs are known but left unsolved (whether they are reported depends on how the management reacts to known-buggy code being released).
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Yeah, because Open Source celebrities are infallible! Hows that for a fucking cathedral mentality...nice appeal to authority though, buddy.
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Re: Still doesn't get it (Score:2)
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In as far as your "OSS falters" comment goes, the TL;DR version is "groupthink is bad". The obverse is that "non-groupthink is good." This is not the same as contentiousness to eleven, but enough dissent to spot any naked Emperors.
Having worked in both the cathedral and the bazaar, there are pros and cons to each, but I'd rather have more contentiousness earlier on in the cycle than usually happens in the cathedral. It's overall better for the cost of the project as well as the bugs/kloc BS metrics mgmt
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Not really
If I find a nice project that what I want.. but then I hit a bug, I then proceed to debug it until it is fixed (depending on complexity) then send a but report attaching the patch.
Nice and otherwise useful programs can have show-stopping bugs in edge cases sometimes. It's worth my while to fix the edge cases if they hit me to get the functionality I want back up and working as intended.
shallow bugs no bugs! Shallow = obvious fix (Score:2)
> In a sense, the camaraderie of an OSS project negates much of the many-eyes potential to find flaws.
This is, I believe, a misunderstanding of the statement. I'm a little surprised ESR didn't clear this up, but the original statement is "with enough eyeballs bugs are shallow ... the fix will be obvious to someone."
Linus' law (written by ESR) does not say "there will be no bugs". It says that if enough people look at a bug "the solution will be obvious to someone".
Any programmer has had the experience
beyond funny (Score:4, Insightful)
"ESR: "Better battle rifle" depends on who you're equipping, and for what. I lean towards the AR-15 because I'm from a culture that readily produces people with good marksmanship, fire discipline, and steadiness onder combat pressure. The AR-15 is the better weapon to match those traits - it rewards skill in the shooter and you can actually use it at distance."
This is just beyond hilarious; ESR is the ultimate internet tough guy. What exactly in your middle-class suburban "culture" made you steady under "combat pressure"? Do you think this posturing impresses anybody, or makes any of us believe that you wouldn't immediately fold if you faced any danger whatsoever? You know how you can tell if you have "fire discipline" or "steadininess [u]nder pressure"? Actually be in a situation that requires it. Until then you just look ridiculous.
What He Answered, Not What "They" Gave Him (Score:1)
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No, the FAQ on interviews makes it clear they select the questions to pass on to the interviewee.
http://slashdot.org/faq/interv... [slashdot.org]
And of course they are only going to forward what they consider to be non-insulting questions. Which is a shame when the person concerned is as much of a sleazy nutjob as ESR is.
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I found his advice very helpful, because in my suburban neighborhood our culture is that of savages, who can barely clean a weapon. We're going to choose the AK as the weapon of choice to arm the neighborhood watch.
ESR quotes (Score:3, Informative)
Let's take a second to celebrate the worst person in the world, Eric S. Raymond (ESR) ...the S stands for "stinks of cat piss 24/7"
He's a misogynist, racist, homophobic, tribal neopagan, gun-toting delusional redneck who considers himself an alpha male who felt a deep kinship with his viking ancestors the minute he picked up a sword and shield.
Let's see what this mental master thinks, http://i.imgur.com/s7BBG.png
"I think all teachers, day-care staff, and other adults in loco parentis for groups of children
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Also, and partly as consequence of where I hang out, it has been quite unusual for me to hit on women with IQs below about 120 – and it may well be the case that I’ve never tried to interest a woman with below-average intelligence. (Er, which is not to say they don’t notice me; even in middle age I get lots of IOIs from waitresses and other female service personnel. Any PUA would tell you this is a predictable and unremarkable consequence of being an alpha male.)
Reminds me of:
I can assure you it has not recurred, Mandrake. Women uh... women sense my power and they seek the life essence. I, uh... I do not avoid women, Mandrake.
Group Capt. Lionel Mandrake: No.
But I... I do deny them my essence.
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Maybe I'm misreading your tone here, and you really are trying to be funny. If you're not, then what are you talking about? Climate change denial? Doesn't appear to me to be the case: http://www.esr.org/outreach/cl... [esr.org]
Pretty clear explanations on his site of why human factors are contributing to global climate change.
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Maybe I'm misreading your tone here, and you really are trying to be funny. If you're not, then what are you talking about? Climate change denial? Doesn't appear to me to be the case: http://www.esr.org/outreach/cl... [esr.org]
Pretty clear explanations on his site of why human factors are contributing to global climate change.
That's not his site!
That's the site for:
Earth & Space Research (ESR) is a Seattle-based, nonprofit institute specializing in oceanographic research. Our mission is to increase societal understanding of the Earth system through scientific research and public education.
ESR is a raving denier, he believes in a conspiracy to "fraudulently manipulate data and models".
I believe, and have repeatedly said, that the supposed "scientific consensus" on CAGW is not a conspiracy but an error cascade. I think most scientists are honestly trying to do right, but have been overly credulous about data and models that have been (and continue to be) fraudulently manipulated by a tiny minority of them.
http://interviews.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=4857819&cid=46400439 [slashdot.org]
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He values those traits... he didn't say he was personally steady under combat pressure. I think his CP precluded him from ever serving in the military.
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Cornhole is a popular family game here in the Midwest. It involves these flat board targets with a smallish hole in them. Players try to toss beanbags in the hole. Kind of like throwing horseshoes. I didn't know ESR played.
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Indeed you are expected to use their tools. Have your own tools or work-flow that depends on human readable logs? Too bad, and they cannot possibly be worth anything, you are doing it wrong (at least that is what systemd disciples claim). The more I, the more I believe it is a severe mis-design. May even be the NSA pulling the strings to get one huge, complex and bloated binary with lots of vulnerabilities in there, so they can attack Linux installations easier.
Connie_Lingus (Score:2)
But you've apparently forgotten how to use apostrophes, you seeping cocksore.
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Is ESR his rapper name?
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No, it's his Raper Name.
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European Space Research?
Re:Great Responses... (Score:5, Insightful)
This comment thread really make me feel for the editors.
Stories get posted that aren't exactly "News for Nerds" and they get lambasted for it.
Now here's a story where any good Nerd should know exactly who ESR is and there's complaining about it not being mainstream (i.e. tell us his name) enough.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
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No True Scottsman, 'eh?
Nerds come in all shapes and flavors. If the article had said, ESR (Eric S. Raymond), author, open source software advocate and Nethack dev-team member answers your questions. , it might have told nerds not familiar with him if they should read the article or not.
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Exactly! No True Scotsman.
On the internet, no one can see your tongue in your cheek.
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"What the hell is Nethack? Damn editors..."
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This comment thread really make me feel for the editors.
Stories get posted that aren't exactly "News for Nerds" and they get lambasted for it.
Now here's a story where any good Nerd should know exactly who ESR is and there's complaining about it not being mainstream (i.e. tell us his name) enough.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Actually, they are both examples of bad editing. The former being bad editorial filtering of stories, [preservearticles.com] the latter is just bad English. [scribendi.com]
Re:Great Responses... (Score:5, Insightful)
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The above is an example of the hostility of tech culture to newcomers. As a tech worker myself, I apologize.
For those who Google "ESR" and wind up here, paradoxically both belonging and not belonging at the same time for having Googled but still not knowing specifically which ESR we're discussing, the original call for questions [slashdot.org] contains a suitable introduction to Eric S. Raymond. Yes, this link was provided at the top of the page, but better editing skills would have ended this thread before it started.
Re: Great Responses... (Score:2)
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If you don't know who ESR is you don't belong here.
And if you don't introduce Three Letter Acronyms (TLAs) the first time you use them, you don't belong on the editing team of this site, nor any other.
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Open Source legend ESR speaks out!
That would have been great. Interviews: ESR Answers Your Questions on the other hand, is mostly useless unless you know what an ESR is.
I hear nothing but crickets chirping. (Score:2)
If you don't know who ESR is you don't belong here.
3 PM ET Monday and there have been a bare 63 responses posted to "Ask ESR." Most of them content-free.
Either ESR said nothing worth repeating or no one gives a damn.
only if you don't WANT to know (Score:2)
ESR is, among other things, the maintainer of the jargon file. A couple of weeks ago, the jargon file was entioned in a thread. One reader wasn't familiar with and asked for a link. I believe that reader who wanted to look at the jargon file very much belongs here.
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Equivalent Series Resistance
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ESR = Eric Steven Raymond the third. I'm kidding about the the third bit.
Damnit. I knew ternary logic was a lie!
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This leaves me with one question: What's an ESR?
For a complete and immediate answer, click the first link in the first sentence of the article.
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Equivalent Series Resistance. It's a measure of the resistance in a capacitor.
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So, Julian Assange?