IBM Kernel Hackers Respond 279
A note: we answered these questions individually, but in the interests of Slashdot's disk space, we decided to coalesce the answers into a single, unified one. You might say we "became one voice". (the IBMers in the audience will get that one) These were edited by management, but they mostly corrected our spelling mistakes and cleaned up our dirty language :)
Remember, if you're interested in Linux on large systems or if you have more questions, be sure to check out the LSE site, find us on LKML, or look for us at OLS (we're giving lots of talks).
1) Multi-CPU Scalability
by morbid
Now that Linux has been ported to run on high-end machines under virtualization, when will we see a kernel tuned for (e.g.) scalability to 64-128 processors natively?
IBM Kernel Hackers:
Assuming you're talking about single systems running one instance of Linux, we are focusing on 8 way scalability this year, 16-32 scalability next year. After that, we'll do whatever the hardware people can produce ... there aren't many 64-128 processor systems around.
The open source community is tackling the complexities in getting multi-cpu systems to scale well, and with that understanding also comes a realization that sometimes entire subsystems are bottlenecks. Major rewrites of some of these are underway in 2.5 (not just by IBM people mind you). The scheduler is being wrestled to the ground, the I/O subsystem is being dissected, and virtual memory implementations are creating rhetoric worthy of the Cold War. All of these efforts have had contributions from IBM people in Beaverton and other parts of the Linux Technology Center.
2) OS Blending
by 2names
As Linux developers inside IBM, do you get to see the AIX source code? If you do, are you allowed to "steal" some ideas from AIX and implement them in Linux? If not, why not, and what's the IBM official line?
IBM Kernel Hackers:
First of all, before any of us were allowed to contribute to Linux, we were required to take an "Open Source Developers" class. This class gives us the guidelines we need to participate effectively in the open source community - both IBM guidelines and lessons learned about open source from others in IBM.
We are definitely not allowed to cut and paste proprietary code into any open source projects (or vice versa!). There is an IBM committee who can and do approve the release of IBM proprietary or patented technology, like RCU.
That covers "stealing" code, but what about ideas? We might talk to an AIX programmer and comment we're seeing performance issues in Linux in this area or that area and she tells us they discovered that they really needed to profile the network routines when they saw that. Having solved the problem once, our non-Linux peers can help steer us without spelling it out for us, allowing us to still develop solutions that can then be open sourced.
It's a fine line to walk, especially as an engineer who just wants the answer :)
3) The Open Source model
by larry bagina
IBM will be using linux to help sell their hardware. Other companies have tried this (VA Linux, which owns Slashdot, once had linux hackers on their payroll). Obviously, IBM's hardware is in a different league as an x86 clone, but do you have any thoughts on Open Source business models and their validity? Once the kernel is running smoothly, will you be disposable since the "Open Source community" can continue development for free?
IBM Kernel Hackers:
We think the Open Source business model is more than just valid, it is revolutionary. Linux has become a real "killer app"; the ability to run Linux on IBM hardware is increasingly high on customer's lists. Being able to run it doesn't really hurt AIX or VM, but not being able to run it would cost hardware sales.
As far as our disposability: don't get too concerned on our behalf, Linux will always have bugs and there will always be room for improvement.
4) Getting your changes accepted?
by korpiq
Is Linus accepting your changes well? How directly do you submit patches, and what are your experiences on the overall Linux kernel development style?
IBM Kernel Hackers:
Linus himself is wonderful about accepting patches on technical merit alone. He doesn't "grade" them differently if they come from ibm.com or mit.edu. We submit patches the exact same way that everyone else does: append the patch, mail to Linus and CC linux-kernel. If it's good, it gets in. If it sucks, you get flamed.
However, the submission process can be more complicated than first appears. Often, you need to figure out who is maintaining a particular area of code, followed by talking to them to gauge if someone else is already working on the same thing. Once you submit your code to them and the appropriate list, (isn't always lkml..) you may not get a response. This can be discouraging, but you have to find out why, or just simply resubmit, over and over and over. But, once you have a reputation, it does get easier to get quicker responses.
Sometimes it's frustrating when you've put a lot of effort into something that doesn't get accepted, but there's normally a good reason for it. Even work that doesn't get accepted can influence other people's thinking and development in the future. On the flip side you can also just point out problems and other people fix them for you, so in general you win more than you lose ;-)
5)linux on thinkpads
by Olinator
IMHO, IBM makes some of the best mobile hardware out there -- one of the professors I support raves about his ThinkPad 600, that went with him into the Israeli desert for several months and is still running strong, no service required -- but the linux support for that hardware has been, um, erratic at best. Yes, we've been occasionally been able to purchase the odd model with linux preinstalled (usually it's more expensive than the comparable model with MicroSoft preinstalled, grr) but an awful lot of the hardware (mini-pci modems, etc...) is rather difficult to drive with a penguin behind the wheel. Why does IBM's linux enthusiasm fade so quickly at the small (physical) end of the hardware scale? Is there momentum underway to change this?
IBM Kernel Hackers:
All of the people in our group and most in the LTC have Thinkpads for their daily development and run Linux on them (I'm writing this on one as I sit in my apartment). There may not be as much corporate support there as you want, but there is plenty of grass-roots support. We had to learn all the quirks to get Linux installed and get all of the little things working (just like you). I've always wished that we shared more of this information, but there are usually people who are farther ahead than we are. I've uploaded the meager information that we put together during a meeting once. If you're curious, take a look: http://www.sr71.net/slashdot/thinkpad/linux-desktop
People don't buy many small computers just because they will run Linux (the geek population just isn't that large). People do, however, blow large chunks of cash on big machines just to run Linux. Mom-and-Pop can almost always undercut IBM on prices for small machines, and geeks are thrifty. You don't have to sell many million dollar machines to justify being involved in Linux development.
6) Issues with middle management
by Consul
When you were starting out as a group, did you encounter a lot of friction and resistance from middle and/or upper management about your wanting to work on Open Source projects for IBM? If so, what did you do to overcome the objections and become the team you are now? I think the answer to this would help a lot of other people in other companies get mainstream acceptance of the idea of OSS in corporate environments.
IBM Kernel Hackers:
The management chain from engineer up to VP has been surprisingly a non-issue. We believe this is mostly because of the way the Linux Technology Center was founded. You might think the LTC evolved "up" from renegade engineers, but the truth is that our first Linux corporate strategy in 1998 called for the creation of a team, composed of some our best OS engineers, that would join the community to
- Learn from doing,
- Grow Linux skills
- Give back to the community
- Help make Linux better.
7) When do you estimate Linux can surpass Solaris?
by wytcld
Solaris 9 is getting great reviews. Between the strengths of the traditional open source community and IBM's resources, do you see a point in the next several years where you expect Linux to surpass Solaris in all of its core strengths? Or does Solaris have some unique values which will allow Sun to continue to position itself to advantage, at least for some applications? Please answer this as a technical rather than marketing question.
IBM Kernel Hackers:
We don't have a Solaris machines to back up any claim we may make, nor do we want to stir up another epic Linux on mainframe battle. It is safe to say, however, that today Linux/x86 is able to outperform1 Solaris/Sparc in many areas that Sun has a long history of success. If your core business was threatened, wouldn't you make some serious changes?
1 I know, I know, outperform is a very vague term. Just think price, performance, stability, etc...
8) OS/2 Developers
by reaper20
I'm one of the few people who really enjoyed the OS/2 desktop and its features. Have any of the former OS/2 developers been contributing to Linux?
Specifically, the user interface and accessibility people - OS/2 was very polished - does IBM see a benefit by offering this expertise to the GNOME/KDE projects?
If so, how does this tie into IBM's vision of Linux of the desktop, if you have one? :)
IBM Kernel Hackers:
Yes, there are a number of former OS/2 developers in the LTC including the majority of the teams working on: JFS, EVMS, and Print, as well individuals contributing in the areas of networking, security, RAS, performance and other projects. Remember, OS/2 had JFS support and EVMS supports the OS/2 partitioning scheme.
While IBM is not actively contributing code from the OS/2 user interface, we are supporting and sponsoring both the GNOME and the KDE projects through our involvement in the KDE League and the GNOME Foundation. And as you mentioned, we place a high level of importance on accessibility and so are participating in the community efforts in that area as well.
10) IA64
by sabre ...
Do you think that IPF64 line will see any kind of broad industry adoption? Will it become just like rest of the (non-embedded) processor architectures designed since the x86 -- constantly fighting for 5% of the market? Do you think the AMD Hammer architecture will be a meaningful player in the field?
IBM Kernel Hackers:
Quite possibly, never underestimate the importance of being able to run the huge installed base of ia32 apps natively, and at high speed. But IA64 has lots of industry backing as well. The good news is that Linux runs well on both, so we the community don't have to choose. The market will do that for us.
Additional questions and answers:
What features do you find linux most lacking in? (If we don't examine our weaknesses, we will be crippled)
Linux on the desktop still doesn't really cut it for some of us (though we do use it). Applications are not nearly as robust as they should be, and though we are perfectly capable of configuring X, we'd rather spend the time coding. Though it's fun to throw stones at Windows and the Linux OS is more stable than the Windows OS, as a whole desktop package with the apps, installation, usability and everything rolled together, Linux is not always preferable.
There are thorns in our side daily because of the lack of debugging and profiling ability in the kernel. We're always patching kernels for kernprof or lockmeter and porting them around to new kernel versions. Although Linus has pretty much said that debuggers are for sissies, the built-in facilities are much better than they were during the old days (think readprofile). So, there are advances being made.
...I'm not surprised that your responses have to be vetted by management. But, I'd love to know what guidelines IBM has for hackers' interaction with the rest of the GNU/Linux/Internet community. Are you allowed to criticize IBM management, or other IBM products, for example?
This is the Internet. We are hackers. Our management has been great allowing us to resolve many of our own problems involving certain email systems and desktop OS rules. Working in the kernel group of the LTC we have free reign to do our work on the kernel in the Open Source community.
There's no day-to-day vetting of anything we post or say, they trust us to be sensible. We would not say "IBM product X sucks, and you should buy competitor's product Y instead" in a public forum, but if we don't think something works well, I'm not going to endorse it either. We're engineers who get paid to work on Linux by IBM, not IBM corporate drones ;-)
From the brief bios, and Sequent pedigree, it looks like there is a lot of focus on high-end features like NUMA, async I/O and the like. Other commercial organizations, notably SGI, are also putting forth effort in those areas. There is actually quite a bit of overlap.
Since these are "open source" projects, do you collaborate with your traditional "enemies" such as SGI and Sun on Linux? What is your management's attitude toward that type of collaboration? If not, do you "look" at the work \ the others are doing in comparison to what you are doing?
We have been working smoothly with engineers from HP, Intel, SGI and many other companies through the Linux Scalability Effort Open Source Project. Whatever legal issues there might be within each company, it appears to me that the engineers who are working on open source are allowed to do their work with no problems. Hanna runs the bi-weekly LSE Conference Call and can say the biggest percentage of attendees are from either IBM, SGI or Intel every time. This is nice, but we want more members from the Open Source community to join: (http://lse.sf.net/mtg).
Management doesn't really care too much who actually writes the patch at the end of the day, they want to see Linux work well in their focus areas. Persuading other (external) developers of the correct approach or solution to a problem is just as important a part of our jobs as writing code.
Why isn't IBM making more of an effort to recruit developers directly from the Linux community, as opposed to hiring people who have very little if any working familiarity with the platform?
IBM has hired lots of existing Linux developers such as Rusty Russell, Greg Kroah-Hartman, and Ted Ts'o. There are also others that post to LKML and don't even use their IBM email addresses because they were firmly established community members (with those email addresses) before they were hired. We do have a site where you can view many of our patches, or a list of developers. Keep in mind that there are still developers who don't submit patches here.
What are your opinions regarding the shrinking number of women in the industry? (actually I believe the numbers are rising again in schools)
This is a tough field and many young women are discouraged from sticking it out through all of the math and science classes, as are many young men. Companies, like IBM, help by hiring bright women who move up the technical chain. This shows the less experienced that there is a future for women in engineering.
Shrinking? The numbers seem to be increasing based on what we see at work every day. IBM is active in programs that introduce young women to engineering in an attempt to get them interested in pursing careers in engineering. An example of these programs is Camp EXITE, check this site out for more info: http://www.ibm.com/ibm/ibmgives/grant/education/camp.shtml
An interesting interview regarding the number of women in industry is available at: http://www.nspe.org/etweb/16-02viewpoint.asp
Questions Rick Lindsley liked that didn't make the top 10, plus answers:
Best way into the Professional Linux world?
As many people here, I am a huge Linux fan, but I am so much so that I am trying to figure out how to get into the professional Linux world when I graduate.
I attend Clemson University and am in the Computer Information System (CS + business) program (and doubled in Political Science). My goal is to become a Linux sys admin, or perhaps some other Linux guru type job. The work that IBM is doing with Linux is also very appealing to me.
So, how did you get your job, and what would you recommend as the path to follow for us geeks just getting started in the professional world as to how to get into Linux? How can I become as entrenched with Linux as the professionals at IBM? I have had two internships (not with IBM, nor with Linux, but with other CS stuff), but how can I get an entry-level job in a Linux intensive environment like IBM? How can said job lead me into a career where I can be deeply involved in the Linux world?
First: I've done recruiting at a "significant Big 10 university whose mascot's name is Bucky" so let me tell you what I look for in a college candidate.
Knowledgable -- your resume should reflect what you know, but don't puff it. Just because they make me dress up when I'm on campus doesn't mean I can't tell perl from shell scripting. Accentuate your strong points. You gain points for knowledge, but you lose them for lying or "overstating."
Communicative -- a person who cannot talk about what they know might as well know nothing. Seriously consider taking a public speaking course your junior or senior year. Also: it's ok to say "I don't know."
Grade point -- Personally, I really don't care so much about your GPA as you might think. Unfortunately, you will be judged by it by far too many people, right or wrong. So if you're not 3.9 or 4.0, you might be ready to spin it a bit. "Yes, it's 3.2, but I've buckled down and have 3.84 in the last three semesters." "Yes it's 3.1, but you'll note it's 3.6 on courses in my major." Don't get surreal but make that number say something good about you.
Work experience -- you get a big edge for doing something other than a teaching assistant. Internships, co-ops, and summer jobs can help you more than you think in the end.
Second, how did I get my job at IBM? Luck, in part. Right place, right time. Sometimes it really does work for you. Along with that luck, though, was the fact that I'd established a reputation as a smart coder and a fast learner. While I knew far less about Linux then than I know now, that reputation made managers believe that "coming up to speed" would not be a problem, and they judged right. Your reputation, as reported by your colleagues and not yourself, will be your greatest ally (or enemy.) This is never more true than in the Linux community.
Third, advancing? Once you get your foot in the door, work at interacting. Nobody really advances very far without interaction. At first this is with your cubie neighbor or office mate, but pretty soon it's chatting with people down the hall, and then in other projects. Eventually, you have opportunities to help organize informal seminars with the local user's group, and then it's helping out with conferences, and then you're writing papers, and chairing sessions, and before you know it you're standing puzzled in front of a thousand people, wondering how troubled their life must be that they would want to listen to <em>you</em> speak.
Dave Hansen's answer -
Purdue University's Computer Science program. I went to one of the CS job fairs where someone in the large IBM booth saw "Linux" on my resume. I handed my resume off, had a nice chat, and got a sit-down interview a couple of days later. That was followed soon by a plant trip and a job offer. The moral of the story: if you want a Linux job, put Linux on your resume! Make it bold. Make it half the page if that is really want you want to do. Most importantly, you have to learn to walk the walk before you can talk the talk. Engineers usually have better BS detectors than most people and you won't fool them for long.
Advancing - This is probably evident to anyone who has gone through an engineering program at a large school, but the most successful engineers are those who can teach others. You'll notice that there are lots of brilliant engineers and lots of teachers, but those who can do both are a rarity. Learn as much as you can from your colleagues then share as much as you can. The more people who know your name and come to you for help, the more visible you are. There is probably a fine line between getting noticed and being annoying and I have the feeling that a Slashdot interview may be WAY beyond the line :)
AI Kernel (Score:3, Funny)
Dave Hansen, the IBM Kernel who organized this interview...
Wow, IBM wrote a kernel with embedded AI?? And it was smart enough to conduct an interview??!?! Linux hackers, we have to get cracking, IBM is showing us up!
Re:AI Kernel (Score:5, Funny)
Re:AI Kernel (Score:2)
Re:AI Kernel (Score:4, Funny)
AI Kernel (Score:2, Funny)
Dave Hansen: HAL, do my next 3 work assignments for me!
HAL9000: I'm sorry, I can't do that Dave...
Re:AI Kernel (Score:2, Funny)
Re:AI Kernel (Score:2)
Linus (Score:4, Insightful)
It really is time for the community to put more pressure on Linus to adopt this.
Re:Linus (Score:2)
Re:Linus (Score:2, Informative)
Which is complete crap. A debugger is a tool like any other. If you've got the option to use a wrench or a ratchet to tighten a nut, the ratchet isn't a "crutch for not understanding what's going on with the nut." Anyone with that attitude is probably looking so far down their nose that *any* tool you offer them is just a crutch for the weak.
The biggest reason I use Linux so sparingly is the lack of decent debugging tools. I had an excellent debugger in Turbo Pascal when I first started programming in '91. I've yet to find something that's even *that* good for Linux.
And anyone who believes that inserting printf()'s into your code is any substitute for a real debugger is a fool.
Re:Linus (Score:2)
A debugger is a tool like any other.
A wrench is a tool like any other. Not very good at hammering nails though.
A debugger is good for showing state through *one* execution path and makes it easy to catch superficial bugs that show up that way. Something like an operating system needs to stay valid over *all* execution paths and a debugger tends to be more counterproductive. Then you get the fun situations where a program works if it's being debugged and not if it's not.
Re:Linus (Score:2)
Or, perhaps, really *really* freaking good.
Seriously though, I've only tried using a debugger a few times and it didn't help.
I'm not a great programmer and know absolutely crap about compilers and debuggers.
What's a good resource for learning more about them?
Hurd? (Score:2)
linux kernel debugging and profiling (Score:2, Informative)
ThinkPad support? (Score:4, Insightful)
People don't buy many small computers just because they will run Linux (the geek population just isn't that large). People do, however, blow large chunks of cash on big machines just to run Linux. Mom-and-Pop can almost always undercut IBM on prices for small machines, and geeks are thrifty. You don't have to sell many million dollar machines to justify being involved in Linux development.
I think they should have given us a better answer than this. IBM should hire 10 guys like me [mailto], pay them $25 an hour, UPS them some equipment, and let them hack ThinkPads all day from home. I use a lot of Dell laptops, most of their machines work great under Linux.
How do other companies handle their Linux+laptops? Or don't they?
Re:ThinkPad support? (Score:2)
I understand that there may be modem drivers available on the web, but without a modem, I can't get them.
(Well, that's a slight overstatement. I could, but everytime I changed the OS I'd need to go and get them again [in the appropriate version, unless the same one would work with, say, LibraNet and Red Hat].)
Actually, I suppose I could just download all of them onto some floppyies, and keep them around. But I've never bothered, not even to verify as to whether or not the modem drivers really existed. (I've sort of assumed that if they were decent then they'd be installed with the next versio of the OS, and they never have been.)
IBM dropping Thinkpad support? (Re:ThinkPad suppo) (Score:2)
> $25 an hour, UPS them some equipment, and let them
> hack ThinkPads all day from home.
According to a post (this morning!) on the Thinkpad mailing list, IBM's dropping their Thinkpad Linux support project and laying off those employees.
It looks like you'd be better off staying with those Dells if their Linux compatibility is good...
Here's an excerpt from the message to the Thinkpad mailing list about Linux support for Thinkpads:
>> But, after 3 years, IBM has decided to
>> no longer fund that project, and as of Monday,
>> June 24th, [the guy who sent the mail] will be
>> layed-off from IBM as part
>> of IBM's recent Server Group "resource action."
Re:ThinkPad support? (Score:1)
I've had fairly good luck with Sony laptops also. Toshiba's have been so-so
Dont know what to put here... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Dont know what to put here... (Score:1)
Its not the code, its more or less licensing, copywrights, business stuff for the big companies in open source.
Someone please mark him -1 Troll/Flamebait.
A spin on my GPA, as per Dave's suggestion.... (Score:3, Funny)
*sigh* It's a miracle I'm still in college.
Re:A spin on my GPA, as per Dave's suggestion.... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:A spin on my GPA, as per Dave's suggestion.... (Score:2)
"People say that they've never heard of a student graduating in computer science with a GPA like mine."
Re:A spin on my GPA, as per Dave's suggestion.... (Score:2)
Dave Hansen, IBM Kernel (Score:1)
Cooperating eh? (Score:3, Funny)
(emphasis mine)
IBM Dude: Sure we're getting along... They stick to their events we stick to ours!
p.s. This is a gross misrepresentation of the facts and his answer (in case you didn't catch on to the bad joke;)
Lets play... (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Lets play... (Score:3, Insightful)
Guess there's a lot of PHB's hanging out here then.
Re:Lets play... (Score:2)
Re:Lets play... (Score:4, Insightful)
"We think the Open Source business model is more than just valid, it is fucking cool!"
He wasn't kidding when he said, These were edited by management, but they mostly corrected our spelling mistakes and cleaned up our dirty language
Re:Lets play... (Score:2)
As far as our disposability: don't get too concerned on our behalf, Linux will always have bugs and there will always be room for improvement. (emphasis mine)
Any MS marketing execs probably passed out cold when they read this, coming straight from the horses mouth...
Re:Lets play... (Score:2)
Any MS marketing execs probably passed out cold when they read this
Yep. Methinks IBM "gets it" and Microsoft can't.
Reality. Just because a program has bugs does not mean that you can find any or will ever run into one. If you are paying high dollars for a Linux system, you want "other people" to be running into the bugs and fixing them as much as possible. Much cheaper.
Re:Lets play... (Score:2)
Re:Lets play... (Score:1)
Other IBMers existed too (Score:5, Interesting)
The past few times I have seen him he has struck up a conversation about all the great stuff about Linux he is hearing at IBM, and how important it may be in the future.
I have worked with many AS/400 type people, and let me tell you, it is hard to get them on the bandwagon for stuff like this. I don't know what IBM is doing to communicate their Linux vision, but whatever it is they are doing right.
Re:Other IBMers existed too (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Other IBMers existed too (Score:3, Informative)
To put into perspective my very first "real" O/S was a SysV implentation of Unix, my first "real job" was programming an AS/400.
Being a PFY and loving how you can hack Unix to do pretty much what you want to do, and then trying to grok AS/400 stuff is something that gave me frequent headaches. Sure theres nice OS/400 Unix command references *now*, but how can you explain what a "Logical File" is to a Linux person, or even a display file...
Then again the fact that AS/400 treats nearly everything as a "database", is comparable to how unix treats nearly everything as a filesystem object. (Gross over-generalisation there I know)
A lot of corporate iron out there are racks upon racks of AS/400 kit, and I suspect System/36 kit too... Linux won't replace those beasts in the short to mid term, but may in the long term it will be.
Those IBM engineers have access to (the brains, if not the code directly) of many, many Man-Years of O/S code - Certainly more than Microsoft will ever have
Wandering back on topic for a bit, then I'll hit submit, I promise
Would I go back and do AS/400 work
Re:Other IBMers existed too (Score:2)
For those of us who never read the 'net clasic BOFH (basterd operator from hell) PFY stands for "Pimple Faced Youth"
What am i saying, if you do not know the BOFH, go read it now! http://bofh.ntk.net/
Re:Other IBMers existed too (Score:2)
Anyway, other than that... linux has become very stable (unless you're on the bleeding edge, or close to it) and it runs on a lot of nice cheap hardware that you can scale up or down without amazing price jumps. You can even buy pretty good support for it now, right? The one thing the AS/400 still has over other operating systems is that you can build apps with it so quickly, I mean simple database frontends with a little math or generating a print job or what have you. On the other hand, a lot of things are a super big pain in the ass, so it's not a free lunch or anything.
Speaking of Kernel hackers... (Score:5, Interesting)
(I know, it's off-topic, mod me down, et cetera, but do you know how hard it is to find qualified Linux kernel hackers?? I'm willing to risk some karma...)
It's taking a long time to find your backup? (Score:2)
Hopefully, you'll find somebody who can learn and fit in as well as you have.
IBM and Linux (Score:4, Insightful)
I can't tell how many times before IBM jumped into the ring I heard from the Linux ignorant, "I hear great things about it, but who uses it?" You could then rattle off names all day without effect.
Kernel (Score:3, Funny)
I keep telling people, it's spelled C-O-L-O-N-E-L. I don't know why there isn't an R in it, but it's just spelled that way. I wouldn't be disrespecting any colonels asking why, either.
Re:Kernel (Score:2, Funny)
To those who are still in school.... (Score:5, Informative)
If you are still in school, and are thinking about applying for a job at IBM, I'd suggest that you ramp up your GPA right now. The importance of GPA for IBM can't be stressed enough. It's an understatement that you will be judged by it by far too many people. You can be the best and brightest programmer in the world, but your GPA is the only thing that will get you an interview. Only after you got an interview can you show how much you know, right?
At the time when I was about to graduate (I didn't apply to IBM or any big corporations, coz I wanted to work in small companies), the only people who got an interview from IBM are the straight-A students, regardless of how much they know about computer and programming (not to be pejorative!!!).
(Notes: at our school, straight-A GPA does not necessary mean you are good programmer, coz our school is very theory-oriented).
I started working at a small company the day after my last exam, so as two of classmates who were hired by IBM. We bumped into each other one year later. By then, I've developed two drivers already, and theses folks are still in training, and had not written a single line of code yet.
IBM can hire the "best students" (in terms of GPA) and send them to training for a long time.
Good for them. This is not sour grape though, as I've never applied to IBM anyways.
Re:To those who are still in school.... (Score:2, Informative)
I think that was an excellent example of how to really find good people, and I've tried to return the favor. The GPA doesn't tell the whole story. I've met some 3.97 people with a PhD in CS and a MS in Physics and Astronomy who couldn't handle a simple perl script. (But we did have a fascinating discussion about solar events and their effect on the ionosphere.)
Yes, I chat up the 3.9+ folks. There's no denying that in today's tougher job market, that GPA will be your best billboard. But I also talk to 3.2 and 3.4 folks if I recognize job experience or coursework in their resumes and transcripts which looks interesting.
And yes, again sadly, that's unusual. But we do exist.
GPA is not all important (Score:2, Informative)
I graduated with a 2.7 GPA and was hired by IBM.
I fully agree with Rick's comments about spin. Overall GPA is less important than good marks in classes related to the job you are applying for.
If your worried about being passed over for interviews because of your GPA, don't put it on your resume. Instead, try to emphasize applicable skills/coursework/experience. Do the same thing in your interviews. Try talking about your favorite project rather than explaining why you failed calculus three times. If you can demonstrate that you know your stuff, you will get hired.
Re:GPA is not all important (Score:2, Funny)
GPA is all that can get you in the door (Score:2)
When I was campaigning for jobs towards the end of college, I put in a bid for an interview with a company that I won't name but it's the parent company for one of the Big Three TV networks in the US, a company known primarily by its 2 initials. I got called by the interviewer ahead of time, and she said "your GPA is lower than we usually look for, but you worked for us 3 summers, who'd you work for so I can talk to them?" I told her, she made some calls.
Got the interview even though my GPA wasn't what they were looking for. Did pretty well at the interview, she passed me on to other areas of the company. Someone at corporate HQ called me, and didn't have my resume in hand. She asked me to tell her about myself, then cut me off - "what's your GPA?" I told her, she said "I don't understand why you were even given a resume, you shouldn't have been. Send me your resume." I did, and never heard from that company again.
Thinkpads... (Score:2, Interesting)
I've had it for awhile, and while it took some time to ramp up the Thinkpad Linux support is far superior to pretty much every other laptop support available. To call the support "sporatic" is inflamatory at best.
Re:Thinkpads... (Score:2, Funny)
And at worst, it shows that you don't spell very well.
What does IBM *REALLY* think of Linux.... (Score:4, Interesting)
Consider this:
- While IBM considered the PC to be nothing more than a fad they where slow to release the basics that would make the PC more competive with the mainframe such as networking adapters. It wasn't until ethernet had already come out that IBM got around to releasing Token Ring. They continued to push that mainframe 3270 terminals where a super-set of the PC capablities.
- While IBM states that Linux will run on several of their systems including the RS/6000, they continually refuse to release the basics. There is no Tivoli Storage Manager to backup Linux PPC and the specifications for writting drivers for their SSA adapters are still unavailable to Linux developers.
- IBM now promotes AIX to now be a super-set of Linux which is now at the version 5.1"L" (where L stands for Linux personality). In fact, this marketing move seems to clearly indicate that IBM considers Linux to be nothing more than hot-word compliant as AIX 5L does nothing to acknowledge the additional features Linux provides such as
Solaris vs Linux -- Hardware is a big part of it (Score:2, Insightful)
Have a look at Solaris on x86, which Sun dropped completely for a while (I don't remember for sure, but I think they brought back some support for it). It has never been used much, because those that need the scalability and stability that Solaris is reputed to provide know that they'll only get it when using Sun's hardware.
I'm guessing that we'll see an iterative process that will improve matters on the x86/Linux side. As Linux is used more widely for server deployments, more hardware vendors will jump in the game and provide better hardware, and as the hardware becomes available the reputation of Linux on that hardware will improve and the cycle will repeat itself. For now, there are a few small vendors (small marketshare) trying to make x86 server hardware that is actually appropriate for big installations, but most people buy a machine labeled for server use and install Linux on it, and then they blame the shortcomings of the desktop user hardware on Linux.
- Russ
GPA (Score:2)
I've never understood how so many people can look for a 4.0 GPA. 2.0 is average, and in all my classes the professors made sure that most of the students got a C. Now I can accept that the F and D students re-take the class or drop out, but that still doesn't explain how there can possibly be that many people with GPAs of more than 3.5.
There is one exception to the above: honors class. To stay in Honors you need a 3.0 are better GPA, so a C in honors can easially mean you learned less than a F student in the equivelent non-honors class. Yes I'm bitter, I had friends in honors with a better GPA for this reason alone.
Re:GPA (Score:2)
That said, though, a lot of the 0.0-1.0 GPA crowd drop out or get kicked out, so the students that are left are more serious about their education.
Re:GPA (Score:2)
It depends where you go to school: At most schools, a C is no longer average, due to grade inflation. Even at Northwestern, [] which is actually a fairly respectable school, the average GPA is up to 3.3. When you consider that a lot of less-than-driven students drift through large state universities, the average GPA for the real students is actually probably higher still.
I don't get the IP policies (Score:5, Insightful)
It seems strange to me that the Linux developers can't lift code or at least ideas directly from AIX. It makes me wonder if someone hasn't thought this through.
Lifting a snippet of AIX code and putting it into Linux would constitute relicensing that code under the GPL. Doing so would in no way compromise IBM's ability to continue selling that code under the closed-source license as part of AIX; dual-licensing schemes are an established, proven business model.
The policies described seem very wasteful. Consider: IBM owns the AIX code because they paid the salaries of the engineers who wrote it. In exactly the same way, IBM owns the code written by the IBM kernel hackers, but IBM's management has decided that they'd like to donate this code to the world by releasing it under the GPL. If the IBM kernel team is solving a problem that the AIX team has already solved, then IBM is paying two sets of engineers to solve the same problem twice (IBM does a lot of that, but not usually on purpose). It's likely that both teams will arrive at the same solution (particularly if the AIX team is giving hints), and even to generate highly similar code, but IBM has to pay for it twice!
Wouldn't it make a lot more sense for IBM's kernel team to save developer hours by copying ideas or even code from AIX? It's IBM code that's being given to the world via GPL either way, right? Or are is the AIX team so much better than the Linux team that their code is too valuable to donate, while the crap the Linux team produces is okay to shovel out the door? ;-)
Allowing relicensing of snippets of AIX will allow the kernel team to be more productive, getting IBM more of what it wants Linux to be for less money, that's pretty clear. And IBM would in no way lose control of AIX, so what's the downside?
I can certainly see that it might be a good idea to keep the AIX developers away from Linux code, since succumbing to the temptation to lift a useful routine and drop it into AIX violates the GPL and puts IBM at risk of losing its right to use Linux at all if the misappropriation is discovered. And I can see that there might be certain features or techniques in AIX that IBM prefers not to put in Linux, so it might be good to avoid giving the Linux team free access to the AIX codebase, but I cannot see any reason why, for features/refinements that the Linux team is going to make anyway, they shouldn't save time by getting them from AIX.
How does this intentional reinvention of the wheel protect IBM's IP?
probably Customer driven: IP policies (Score:2)
Even if it's just 'party line / pro-forma'. I can well imagine that some of IBM's customers would be unhappy to think that AIX code were being placed into GPL.
One of IBM's major motivations for leveraging Linux is not to capture the x/86 servers into IBM's hardware sales (tho I'm sure that happens). Rather, OSS has moved substantially to a place where Linux-isms are the bread and butter and if you want to run OSS software on UNIX, it's more efficient to create AIX-L(inux) to simplify OSS support for the platform.
*That* (I think) is the driver for investing in linux generally, and IBM recognizes that you don't really get to play in OSS without giving something back. And they are getting to play in the design and understanding in detail which will allow thier AIX5L to interoperate better with linux itself.
Additionally, just pulling the code from one unix and inserting it to another probably wouldn't play well in terms of reliability. Kernel data structures are going to be different, and I think to generate bug-free code you're better off simply taking the *idea* and writing it from scratch in the different environment.
Also, note: it's hardly a new phenomenon. I know AIX coders who've consistently provided substantial pieces of code directly to the Linux platform since the mid '90's. And I know of instances where some (not very smart) IBM customers were substantially unhappy about this.
Re:I don't get the IP policies (Score:2)
IBM very well does not own all of the AIX code. Why didn't Netscape open-source the JVM? Because they had licensed it from Sun.
Also, I seriously doubt someone could simply cut and paste a "useful routine" from one codebase to another. For a codebase as specific as an operating system kernel, there are too many code dependencies to make cut and paste (from AIX to Linux or vice versa) of much value. Porting JFS to Linux took a long time and that JFS code came from OS/2, not AIX.
Re:I don't get the IP policies (Score:2)
Also, I seriously doubt someone could simply cut and paste a "useful routine" from one codebase to another.
Of course not. I didn't want to get into the technical issues around how the reuse/porting would have to be done, particularly since they're obvious to anyone who's written much software.
The article indicates that the Linux team is not even permitted to see the AIX code, and the AIX team has to be somewhat circumspect about how much they can help. They're restricting and controlling the flow of information. Sure, even if it were unrestricted, a bit of code would at the very least have to be carefully tweaked to fit into its new environment, but they're going far beyond that, making it clear this is for other reasons.
Porting is a lot of work, but generally *is* less work than reinvention, which is why it's done.
Re:I don't get the IP policies (Score:4, Informative)
Now then
The short story is, the problem is not one of proper licensing. It's one of losing a business advantage. And I think it's fair to suggest this dilemma is not being faced solely by IBM either.
Let's examine your theoretical snippet of AIX code. It could fall into one of three buckets.
Determining code that is patented or constitutes a trade secret is relatively easy. Separating useless from useful is hard (read
It may comfort you to know there are a host of Linux hackers, only a subset of which participated in the interview, which are hammering at your questions all the time. The engineers hammer, and the lawyers hammer back. In general, the perception is that engineers could care less about IP and lawyers could care less about sharing with the community. Neither is entirely true. Their jobs and goals are very different, and objectively, their ongoing battles -- ahem, I mean dialogues -- do in the end yield a pretty good balance.
Re:I don't get the IP policies (Score:2)
Since I've already identified myself as an IBM kernel hacker just by participating, this answer will definitely require that I state, for the record, that I do not represent IBM's views on this.
Well, for the record then, I will also state that I am an IBM employee, although not affiliated with the LTC. And my views are also mine and have nothing to do with IBM's.
There, now we're both covered ;-)
The short story is, the problem is not one of proper licensing. It's one of losing a business advantage.
This appears to make sense, but I don't think it really does. I say this because IBM *also* loses the *same* business advantage if the Linux team re-implements some functionality as if it is ported over from AIX. And this lost advantage costs IBM more money than if the functionality were ported.
It seems to me that the issues that should be weighed are related to what the Linux team implements, not whether the implementation borrows from AIX. I can clearly see both sides of the issue, but it seems to me that the "contamination-avoidance" approach doesn't really solve the problem, it just pushes it off to where it doesn't have to be addressed directly.
From the point of view of the IBM kernel hackers, that may actually be the best approach, because you can probably reimplement stuff from AIX with little more than a few hints whereas if you actually had to get permission to adopt AIX ideas you'd never get it done. Plus, writing code is more fun than porting it :-). But that kind of bureacratic end-run, while workable, doesn't seem to be the most efficient way of doing business.
It may comfort you to know there are a host of Linux hackers, only a subset of which participated in the interview, which are hammering at your questions all the time. The engineers hammer, and the lawyers hammer back.
This is what I expected, actually. Engineers are smart people who are perfectly capable of understanding the legal and business situation when they want to, and in this case they have ample reason.
In general, the perception is that engineers could care less about IP and lawyers could care less about sharing with the community.
I wouldn't expect that at all; at least not the part about the engineers. I'm an engineer and I care quite a lot about IP. I do think it's possible that the lawyers couldn't care less about sharing with the community, though :-) Actually, to be fair, my experience with IBM attorneys is that they usually understand that their goal is to facilitate IBM's business, not impede it, and in this case it's clear that to comply with the terms of the GPL, IBM would at least have to give its changes to customers, who would be free to redistribute them, so it makes sense to participate openly in the community.
their ongoing battles -- ahem, I mean dialogues -- do in the end yield a pretty good balance.
Obviously, I'm viewing this from far outside, but I'm not sure I'd agree. The "balance" struck seems not to be a balance at all, but rather a way of avoiding the issue via duplication of effort. IMO, a real balance would be a process for evaluating the business case for and against making particular enhancements to Linux and then approaching the implementation of the selected enhancements in the most efficient way possible.
Good luck to all of you in finding an appropriate balance, by whatever means. Open source is so radically different from the way business has been done that it's quite understandable that even very forward-thinking companies like IBM are still a long way from settling the issues. At least your part of IBM *understands* the issues. I set up a Linux box running SourceForge a couple years back and I got calls from a raft of "very concerned" executives who were concerned about whether or not we could use the SF code without licensing it from someone. They understood that "IBM is into Linux, so we can use it", but couldn't quite grasp the idea that this other pile of software could be used without sending a check to someone. And the notion that we should publish some of our SourceForge enhancements back to the community was met with unabashed horror.
Re:I don't get the IP policies (Score:2)
I have a better idea. IBM, Sun, SGI and HP should all release all of their source code, no matter what it's for, under the GPL. Then, these companies should put all of their money, engineers and programmers together into an enormous team that would put the best bits of all their source code into Linux and all components and programs that run under Linux, debug these until there are no bugs at all, and optimize them for maximum possible performance (writing the most time consuming portions in the most tightly optimized assembly language possible for every platform supported by Linux).
Linux is cool now. But if this takes place, it will be more cool.
Re:I don't get the IP policies (Score:2)
Re:I don't get the IP policies (Score:2)
Re:I don't get the IP policies (Score:2)
Re:I don't get the IP policies (Score:2)
The problem isn't so much the code but the Patents. I would expect this is more to protect the programers than the code. :-)
Maybe. If the code that is protected by patent is documented as such (as it should be, and as the IBM coding guidelines I have suggest), then it's a simple matter of recognizing that the code cannot be ported to Linux without getting a decision from management to license that patent for use by open source projects. If management okays it, then fine. If not, then that's the end of it.
Note that this situation is precisely the same even if the IBM kernel hackers can't lift code from AIX. If they semi-independently reinvent the patented algorithm or technique (not unlikely if they get any hints from AIX developers) then the same situation exists, with the difference that the kernel hackers are less likely to know of the patent encumbrance.
Linux on ThinkPads (Score:3, Funny)
"That sounds pretty interesting", I thought. Try it for yourself. No soup for you!
Re:Linux on ThinkPads (Score:2)
How do we encourage ViaVoice? (Score:2, Interesting)
I'll happily both pay and code for the newest engine under linux. If it would get it past the 99.9% accuracy point, I'd buy a power5 to run it on.
I tried to use the contact on the SDK page, but it bounced. Who do I have to bribe?
If IBM is listening, be aware that people who have hand problems are more than willing to shell out the cash for the top end hardware. A dual Opteron is cheaper than a new pair of hands. The minimum hardware requirements are pointless. Use my CPU power; I'll buy an extra one to run emacs with.
How about multiple microphones?
Re:How do we encourage ViaVoice? (Score:3, Informative)
IBM ViaVoice Dictation for Linux allows you to:
Say letters and numbers naturally
Dictate memos and documents using natural voice
Correct, edit, and format documents using your voice
ViaVoice Dictation for Linux's Dictation's text-to-speech feature reads text out loud to you
Multi-users are supported for each system
ViaVoice is available for Linux! (Score:2, Informative)
IBM ViaVoice Dictation for Linux allows you to:
Say letters and numbers naturally
Dictate memos and documents using natural voice
Correct, edit, and format documents using your voice
ViaVoice Dictation for Linux's Dictation's text-to-speech feature reads text out loud to you
Multi-users are supported for each system
supporting both GNOME and KDE? (Score:2)
Well they do have one or two articles on GNOME development on their developerworks site. But I'm convinced Sun has contributed countless more manhours to the user interface aspect of GNOME than IBM has.
Women not in engineering (Score:2)
Not to mention that there may be a natural or social differentiation in roles and tastes, and that's not bad in itself. I don't see anything in the Natural Law stating each profession must have a 50-50% split on sex lines. We Brasilians tend to like being real men and having our women really different from ourselves.
Re:Women not in engineering (Score:2)
> your post is disgusting.
You disgust yourself too easily. Spoiled by Northern Europe cultural malaise AKA bad conscience AKA political correctness, probably.
> First of all, there are a lot of women in undergrad engineering at U of T, and a lot of my T.A.s (grad engineering students) were women too.
and? I didn’t say there are no women, just less. And that’ a general statement, you can’t disproof it just by citing a particular experience.
> What the hell does being a "Real man" have to do with engineering?
Perhaps if people will do what they like instead of trying to keep a stupid 50-50% split in every profession, men will follow their natural or social tendency towards some of them, and women towards other. And then, perhaps Engineering and Computing Sciences will be preferred by more men than women. Is that so difficult to understand?
Re:Women not in engineering (Score:2)
> Oh yeah, and I notice that your .sig doesn't say
anything about a being a P.Eng or any B.ASc or B.E.
And...? Why would that be relevant?
> Don't speak on behalf of us if you haven't put in the time.
You must be talking to someone else, I never spoke on behalf of anyone, at least not in this thread. Oh, sorry, spoke on behalf of Brasilians, from which part of Brasil are you?
Re:Women not in engineering (Score:2)
Thanks for the compliment, that’s a rare thing indeed around here!
I guess it’s not PC to say that, but there may be more than one reason for that wish!
But then is that a good thing in itself?
A reasonable conclusion, but from a small sample. And we must be careful about roles: women traditionally have been into teaching, but many woman teachers will rather have a male than female school principal, and that not because of any romantic delusion, but just to avoid known, common problems that tend to arise with female principals.
Last but not least, I must disagree with the ‘whatever works’ part. There are something that must be done or avoided because of ethics, not expediency.
Re:OS/2, anyone? (Score:2)
Having worked at Best Buy when both OS/2 Warp and then Win95 came out, I can say it wasn't just IBM marketing.
Our store manager didn't even want to put up the OS/2 stuff. Is that because he wasn't won over by the marketing, or was it HIS boss that wasn't won over?
In any case, there are VERY many people who didn't see marketing materials because of just a few people. I still have that nice heavy 3'x5' Warp poster at home.
Re:OS/2, anyone? (Score:1)
In any case, "THESE" people as you refer to them are the real linux hackers, not corporate drones. I guess it's true not everyone will understand the one voice thing at the top
Re:OS/2, anyone? (Score:3, Interesting)
After it was clear that they had lost the consumer desktop, they focussed marketing efforts on direct sales to corporations, and a little on large embedded machines (eg ATMs) and apparently had reasonable success in both those arenas.
Re:rofl (Score:1)
Because they know Linux is evolving and growing faster than any other unix operating system out there. "Free eh? Open source eh? And we can hack it? And call it our own? And mass market it?". Seriously, IBM is really marketing Linux because everyone keeps hearing about it. "What is this 'Linux'? I dont know, but IBM is backing it, so it must be big!" and up goes the stock.
Re:rofl (Score:1)
Funny thing about Ferrarris -- they only go fast on very smooth roads. Hummers can go fast without paved roads. Most of the planet is not paved, so for most terrain, the Hummer will run the Ferrarri into the ground.
Kind of like OSs -- most of the world is a rough place, and your OS (even on a desktop) needs to be able to handle the rough spots without crashing. I'm not saying AIX and Solaris have that problem, but other well-known OSs do.
Re:rofl (Score:2)
I'm not sure what sort of Linux you're using, but I find this comment fairly amusing since you also advocate BSD. Personally, I haven't noticed any of these problems in the last year or two. I use SuSE. I buy the new version, throw the DVD in the drive (from which it boots cleanly, in your face MS!), spend about 30 seconds modifying the partition recomendations to my liking, 20 minutes or so modifying the default package install, and let it go. No fuss, no muss. No CD shuffle or endless reboots as I install the drivers for my hardware and the apps I need to make my machine useful.
Every Linux install I've done since SuSE 7.1 has been smooth like butter, and I've done a few. I've also done more installs of the various Windows flavors than I care to think about. Judging from my experience, your comment describes Windows perfectly, but doesn't apply to Linux at all.
Perhaps you should try a modern distro one of these days?
Re:rofl (Score:2)
Perhaps when we actually have to start lying?
Depends on the race. (Score:2)
Then ask yourself, over the race, which had the higher average speed? I think the Hummer would have a clear victory.
Depends on the race you are trying to run (or task you are trying to perform). If I wanted to take a landmine explosion or to engage a hostile target with fire, I'd consider the Hummer a much better platform. If I wanted to convince hot-but-shallow women to sleep with me, the Hummer might not be a bad choice, but it's noisy and rough riding. The Ferrari would probably be a better choice.
So, what race are you running?
Re:Depends on the race. (Score:2)
Re:Depends on the race. (Score:2)
Re:rofl (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm no fan of KDE/GNOME/etc., but the fact that they're there is saying something.
You, on the other hand, said nothing. Simply stating that UNIX wasn't designed for the desktop and giving a random analogy doesn't prove any points. Why is it like a hammer? Who is the Ferrari? Windows? Why is it unsuitable?
BSD-basedness of Mac OS X isn't at all a whole 'nother can of worms. It's a UNIX system. Libraries run on UNIX systems. Avi's been asked why OS X isn't Linux-based before and he pointed out the obvious: they already had a perfectly good OS running on Mach/BSD. Not because another kernel/etc. couldn't do it, but because there was no need to re-do work. The reader with the long attention span will note that the OpenStep libraries were released for Solaris and Windows NT. It doesn't have anything to do with which can of worms it occupies. And Macs are good for much more than graphics, but I'll opt to stop here and not further feed a troll.
Re:F is for firsty (Score:2, Funny)
Wonder what that was all about...
Re:These were edited by management...it shows (Score:2, Offtopic)
Misuse of "myself" is rampant in corporate America, in both subject and predicate and in both plural and singular cases. I hear things like "Then Bob gave the message to myself" all the time, particularly when the speaker is trying to be very formal and correct. The worst part is that it is so widespread that using the correct pronoun sometimes makes *you* appear the uneducated one.
I think everyone has been slapped down for using "me" and "I" incorrectly, so they know that they're sometimes wrong, but don't really understand when and just avoid them all the time.
The rules for first-person pronouns are actually very simple. Not that it will do any good, here they are:
That's it. Not difficult at all. Here's a quiz:
Answers: Sentences 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 are correct. Sentences 7, 8, 14 and 15 are wrong, but common. Sentence 9 is correct but is often percieved as incorrect by people who incorrectly prefer 7.
Today's grammar lesson is brought to you by the number 15 and the word "pedantic".
Re:These were edited by management...it shows (Score:3, Funny)
Answers: Sentences 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 are correct.
Why didncha just cut to the chase and tell us that proper English grammar is as simple as
instead of all this complicated string usage rules with "myself"?Did IBM management approve this quiz? (Score:2)
Secondly, Shawn should know that I have not been helping him rewrite the VM and there is nobody else at IBM who is named John who currently writes any code with Shawn, thought this was not always so.
Re:These were edited by management...it shows (Score:2, Funny)
Hold on a sec, so '15' is both right... and wrong?
Wow, this grammar thing is more complicated that I thought. No wonder there's so much misunderstanding in the world
Re:These were edited by management...it shows (Score:2)
Hold on a sec, so '15' is both right... and wrong?
Do you have a problem with that? All you geek types are so stuck on that silly Law of the Excluded Middle. Sheesh. ;-)
My bad, obviously. 15 is right, not wrong.
Re:These were edited by management...it shows (Score:2)
OTOH, those are the most common ones, so your technique is helpful.
Re:These were edited by management...it shows (Score:2)
No, sorry I wasn't clear. Only 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 are correct, all of the others are wrong. The two rules I stated above should make this clear.
10 is interesting because it doesn't "feel" wrong to me. Rather it feels like the speaker is emphasizing his reasons for writing the section of code (or whatever). I believe it actually is incorrect, though, and 12 is definitely correct.
Re:These were edited by management...it shows (Score:2)
Re:Not again (Score:2)
And I do work for a company that was running a Win2K server not hard at all (9 users, doing nothing more strenuous than file serving), and they've experiences two major crashes (which required "disaster recovery" measures) in less than a year, both due to bugs in the OS.
Only in MS-land does "you're low on disk space" equate to "SYSTEM ERROR - MAJOR FAULT - I WILL NOT BOOT ANY MORE!", and require you to do a fresh install so that you can delete the stupid log files (that weren't deleted because of an OS bug) that were simply logging "YOUR DISK IS ALMOST FULL"
Windows 2000 - what its really suitable for (Score:2)
One thing though regarding the low disk space = server crash problem. Did you enable user qouta's? Did you separate the OS partition from the share's partition? No matter what OS your running for a server, you should always separate your OS from your data.
Re:Off the record (Score:2)