Interview: Corel CEO Michael Cowpland 251
Corel has been making big waves in the Linux world lately, and Michael Cowpland is the man at the top of Corel. One question per post, please. As always, the 10 - 15 questions sent on will be those moderated highest, with additional culling (if necessary) done by Slashdot editors and hangers-on. We select questions shortly after 1200 EST on Tuesday. Answers are scheduled to appear Friday mid-day. So ask away, and moderators, get those points sharpened up and ready to go!
Question... (Score:1)
Will Anyone Actually Read This Post? (Score:1)
The system really needs to randomize the posts (and their responses) so everyone gets a fair view. I mean, after a page or two of comments who reads it?
If you read this and agree, and you are a moderator, push me up a point. Perhaps the folks at Slashdot will get a clue and change their system.
I signed in as Anonymous becuase I did not want to increase my "Karma" if I get moderated up.
How will Linux Vendors Differentiate? (Score:1)
Corel Linux (Score:1)
Free Slash !
When are you going to open source Marlen Cowpland? (Score:1)
When are you going to release her source code to the Open Souce community?
Inovative Desktop? (Score:1)
Stuff on the shelves... (Score:1)
So my question is what is Corel doing to push their linux software out into the market place? Are you sending free copies to stores? waiting for them to request it?
Whatever it is, good job!
What is the current status of Corel Games? (Score:1)
Re:Corel and Perl (Score:1)
Should every application present itself through an object interface (like K OpenParts) and let the objects be controlled by any language with KOP integration?
Helping other Linux products distribution channels (Score:1)
One of the unique things that Corel can bring to Linux is very good distribution channels. Are there plans to work with other Linux companies (like, say, Loki) to help get their products on store shelves, too?
I said I thought about buying WP8 even though I have it just to send a "keep this stocked" signal to Office Depot... but if there were Linux games on the shelf, I'd have bought them on the spot.
Linux Games do matter...
Speed of Development (Score:1)
Thank you.
NetWinders (Score:1)
Right on! (Score:1)
WP8 is simply unusable. (Just compare it to the Windows version of WP8 and tell me if I'm wrong).
And Corel Linux is a poor excuse for a distribution. It was released in a rush just in time for Comdex, even though it has nothing to offer except a few fancy graphics and lots of bugs. (Is Corel seriously trying to sell it?)
The Wine tree. (Score:1)
Corel's has made many contributions to the Wine project in the eyes of the non-Corel wine project members (quite possibly the most important people to impress at this stage.) One of your main motivations for this must be the framework to port the Corel Office package to Linux. I imagine upon completion of the Office port, any motivaton to continue major contributions, barring maintenance, would likely be focused on general Microsoft Windows XX emulation.
That said I've got a few questions.
I've heard it said that the last five percent of any project takes ninty five percent of the effort to complete. Do you intend to fork your Wine tree in the hopes of being the only Windows alternative for running some Windows programs? Or will you keep your Wine efforts public in the hopes of making the Windows market, a commodity market?
In either case, barring radical mutilation of Mircosoft on the part of the DOJ, would you be willing to donate legal defence funding to the Wine team durring the inevitable legal onslought to be brought on by Microsoft? Do you think you will have a choice?
Their are several legal efforts in various stages to outlaw reverse engineering here in the states. Do you think countermeasures are neccesary to put the brakes on the impending anti-reverse enginereing bills?
Matthew Newhall
President of Long Island Linux Users Group and a CORL stockholder.
Customer Loyalty and Open Source (Score:1)
Re:Corel and BeOS (Score:1)
Corel and BeOS (Score:1)
Timetables? (Score:1)
I no longer have any computers that run Windows, but it would be handy to be able to reuse my old
illustrations in Corel Draw in the next revision.
How soon, if ever, will Corel Draw be released under Linux? Will the price remain in the several hundred dollar realm? Or will the price be lowered
to a more reasonable level (as has Word Perfect)?
I have found that my threshold of pain for a software package at home to be $50-100 depending
upon how much I feel I need the program. Have you
done any research on the spending habits of
Linux vs. Windows home users? Are many people, like me, more willing to buy 3 smaller $60 packages than one big $150 package?
Do you see the software market recongizing that
most home copies of software are not purchased,
and dramatically reducing the cost of the software and aiming for the support and convenience products: books, tech support packages, update subscriptions etc. as primary profit centers?
Question: Competitive angle (Score:1)
In other words, is Corel only going to continue to pursue the desktop market via Linux and Windows, or will it put together a broader strategy which makes good on some of the promises that the above visions imply?
Installation bug (Score:1)
on a 14G IBM drive. The graphic fdisk refuses
to install on a preformated ext2 partition and
I made the mistake of letting it create a new
partition at the same place. It turned out that
it made a small mistake which trashed the
partition table. I had to reinstall everything
meaning winblows, OS/2, DRDOS and SuSE Linux.
That of course after restoring the partition
table. I uses the image version published on the
Any plan on fixing this? Is the bug present also
on the release version, meaning the commercial
Re:corel (Score:1)
Market Share in the Windows World (Score:1)
Product Line Porting (Score:1)
I'll field this one Mikey (Score:1)
err, sorry (Score:1)
As for featureness, from what they told me, it will matchup pretty close. Not sure on the differences, so I guess I am just wasting everyone's time now
The future of Linux (Score:1)
Re:Corel Database ? (Score:1)
Re:Do you believe in Open Source? (Score:1)
Re:the moderators have it in for you, Tim (Score:1)
Re:the moderators have it in for you, Tim (Score:1)
Re:Heh - Open Source (Score:1)
Re:Do you believe in Open Source? (Score:1)
Re:Paradox for linux? (Score:1)
Re:Corel Linux and Red Hat Linux (Score:1)
The fact that Corel chose Debian should speak for itself.
GroundAndPound.com [groundandpound.com] News and info for martial artists of all styles.
2 wrong assumptions (Score:1)
2. MC has some to do with the Corel Centre but very little if anything with the Senators.
just my $2.0E^-2, CDN at that
Corel Centre (Score:1)
Is Corel involved in the negotiations with the Canadian government to obtain tax breaks and bring Canadian hockey teams back to profitability? What would happen to the Corel Centre if the Senators decided to fly?
Profitability question (Score:2)
Unix? (Score:2)
While it's true that all the decent free operating systems (at least that I can think of) are Unix based, have you ever thought of searching out, creating, or perhaps heavily modifying Linux to become less Unix-like and more desktop-like? Gnome and KDE can be nice, but always you have to carry around some of the weight of Unix, like permissions, which make almost no sense on the desktop. Basically, has Corel ever thought of giving us free software users a decent alternative to Unix?
SGML in WP8/win but not WP8/linux (Score:2)
Because the Linux WP8 was a port of the Unix codebase but was still tied to the development plan for WP8/Win, I spoke to one of the senior development managers a few months before the WP8/Linux version was released and inquired about SGML/XML support. I was told: (a) it would not be present in the Linux WP8, (b) it was purely a development/porting time-related business decision, and (c) they would port that code if there was user demand for it. (I told him in a semi-humorous manner that I was a user and I demanded it.)
My question is intended to elicit a more pointed response than the generic "We like XML" answers I've seen so far. The doc you referenced [corel.com] is a good starting point, but doesn't really address the issue of SGML/XML support on Linux, or its ubiquity in Corel apps in any real depth. Any more insight, Mr. Cowpland?
Will support be better? (Score:2)
WordPerfect Office2000 is totally full of bugs, even after downloading 2 Service Packs totalling 84MB.
I was finally told by your tech support to uninstall it and install the previous version 8!
In light of this poor quality control why should I buy your Linux product?
Corel Printing support (Score:2)
What efforts are Corel taking to improve printing in their products? Will you be accepting whatever print capabilities WINE gives you, and letting WP (not scheduled to be ported to WINE by WPO2k/Linux) languish, or are you working to improve printing and support of new printers in some way?
Linux is not just for Intel anymore. (Score:2)
Do you plan on supporting other platforms other than the Intel platform? Would you consider these platforms to be a viable market, or fringe players at best?
The MS Case (Score:2)
As I'm sure is obvious by now, many people would like to see Micros~1's comeuppance in the form of an actual court finding of guilt and wrongdoing against the company. While the DoJ's anti-trust suit has served this purpose fairly well, many hoped Corel's suit would drive the point further home in more concrete terms. But the case has been settled out of court without a final judgment and for terms which, from publicly available information, are barely significant. It's developments of this kind that allow the disingenuous to claim, "Micros~1 has never been convicted of any wrongdoing."
From outward appearances, your case looked strong. Even if Micros~1 appealed a judgment against them, my youthful naivate believes that Corel could have obtained superior settlement terms after a judgment had been entered. Without going into specifics, what factors weigh in a decision to continue to litigate a strong case, or to settle out of court prior to judgment?
Arm/non-x86 applications? (Score:2)
Mega-merger, or buyout? (Score:2)
By my reckoning, all that AOL lacks is:
Let's say that Steve Case comes to you with a sweet buyout offer. Do you sell, or gracefully decline? And if Corel does become part of the AOL Empire, would you stay on?
- Richie
Re:Do you believe in Open Source? (Score:2)
I agree with this 100%, and I think we ought to excercise some discretion as far a putting a lot of pressure on Corel goes. On the other hand, I'd like to add my argument that if, for example, the wp8 source was released we could fix the crappy MS-Word filters, I think pretty fast too. And exactly how would that hurt sales? I think the basic equation is - sales are not lost to people who download free software. (1) They'll recommend the software to other people, if it's good (and we'll make sure it's good) - most of those people would probably just grab the box for $50 than spend the time downloading it, plus they get a manual and who knows what else - free penquin mouse pad?
Any Open Source? (Score:2)
Obviously, open source is not a reasonable option for every product, particularly if large portions of revenue are derived from sales, but has Corel ever considered an open source release of products which are not good revenue producers?
Windowishness (Score:2)
Re:Future of Corel Linux (Score:2)
Re:What are the issues in the Corel stock case? (Score:2)
Given that I don't have exact trade dates for MC's trades, other than 'mid-August' I give this stock analysis.
Examining CORL in August:
CORL closed on 02-AUG @ 4 5/16 and on 31-AUG closed @ 5 3/4. Altogether not a bad 1 month gain.
The high close for the month was 6 3/8 on 30-AUG. The low close was 3 3/4 on 5-AUG.
The stocks low since 02-AUG was 4 3/8 on 18-AUG, down from the higest of the previous 10 trading
days close of 4 7/8 on 16-AUG. So at best he saved himself 1/2 a point on the "insider trades". Not a bad VERY short term short, given massive quantities. Looking at a longer term however...
why not wait until 10-JAN-00 when CORL closed at 20 1/16 (a 52 week high) to sell? [14-JAN close of 20 5/8 up from a recent low of 19 1/16 and a Y2K low of 15 1/4]
Looking at this MC should be convicted of a seveal crimes.' 1) Needing cash for some purpose, 2) lacking foresite in knowing his company was on the way out of the depths of stock hell, and 3) poor market prognostication (as most of us are).
About the biggest 'crime' I see here is (2). The other possibilty is that the Canuck version of the SEC is looking for some publicity, or they are upset that the Corel Centre is about to (saddly) loose its prime tenant to some schmuck US city?
Hmmm, if MC made all this money, why is Yashin still not signed (other than the fact he's ignoring a vaild contract)?
Hey! (Score:2)
Re:Canada and Corel (Score:2)
Re:Future of Corel Linux (Score:2)
Re:Do you believe in Open Source? (Score:2)
Re:Future of Corel Linux (Score:2)
Corel has a video-mode control widget (open source) which is nicely integrated into the KDE control panel. They also have some very nice (don't know if this is Debian or Corel) Samba integration, to the point where it's easier for me to deal with the NT network at work than it is for the NT users!
If not why? (Score:2)
Continuing this statement.
If you don't, then why?
Steven Rostedt
Corel Database ? (Score:2)
How does Corel intend to fill this 'gap' in its suite ? It seems to me that any newcomer to the area would simply be overwhelmed by Access on Windows, but on Linux and other platforms (Such as Apple) there may be more opportunity.
What about using an open source product, such as PostgreSQL ? Naturally this is already included in many Linux distributions, but you could include it in your Office suite as a way of giving customers on other platforms greater value and leveling the playing field with Microsoft Office.
(Interactive PostgreSQL for Windows is available at http://www.zeos.dn.ua/download/ipg sql-latest.zip [zeos.dn.ua]. It seems to be mostly a way of interacting with PostgreSQL. I am not clear on its license.)
Re:Corel Database ? (Score:2)
Oh, I thought Borland/Inprise still had that.
Consider my question officially retracted.
I feel silly. Especially since I just noticed that cute little 'No Score +1 Bonus' button. When did that show up ? (I'll leave the +1 on this so you can all see my retraction.)
On another note, I wish there were someway I could go back and take that bonus off the original post.
Re:Canada and Corel (Score:2)
Perhaps Corel should consider relocating their headquarters - and operations - elsewhere for the same exact reasons you yourself are tempted. Namely, money.
IIRC, not long ago the Canadian government agreed to buy Microsoft's software exclusively, shutting COrel out from such deals for years to come. There's little in Canada in form of synergy between technology companies (which are practically all south of the border anyway) and this also reduces the workforce mobility; and I'm not referring to the arctic climate versus, say, the tropical one in California in terms of motor oil viscosity.
Back to finances. Have you noticed that every time a Canadian stock analyst mentions Corel or Linux, they attach the word "roadkill" in the sentence. When Corel lost to MS in the Windows Office "battle" (where one side happened to have all the weapons) those analysts took it to their cellular level memory never to forget what a loser Corel "is". And every time the press needs a comment on Corel, guess who they'll turn to if not these Canadian specialists...
The Canadian version of SEC in Ontario, the OSC, is hellbent on putting Cowpland behind bars (and not of Greyhound variety mind you) because the man sold some shares below $10 and a month later the stock price tumbled due to worse than expected earnings. The same stock is now valued at ~$20 after hitting 40's recently, and with potential to hit $100 or more in a year or two as the MS monopoly self-destructs. The shares Cowpland sold back then have made a lot of money to people not surnamed Cowpland, but OSC needs to prove that they can nail someone, anyone.
What comes to the "nearly twice the pay, and lower cost of living in some US cities" reasons tempting you to emigrate, wouldn't it also mean that were Corel to move out of Canada they, too, would be more competitive in attracting talent? After all, why do the companies in south afford to offer better pay packages in the first place?
My question to Mr. Cowpland would be: Have you ever considered leaving behind the provicial mindset of Canada, relocating Corel's headquarters to sunny California while also moving most of the operations there and elsewhere around the world, e.g. in India where talent is plentiful yet labor costs lower? Would Corel not become more competitive by having development crews working around the globe for the 24/7 effect?
(I can hear Tom Waits croaking "California, here I come..." already
Windows compatibility (Score:2)
Porting to Linux (Score:2)
Re:Unix? (Score:2)
just my 0.02.
Popularity and the move to the Windows Community. (Score:2)
Re:The most important question of them all... (Score:2)
See, all companies have one goal in mind: To make money for their owners, the shareholders. When that is given utmost priority, all other issues - safe working conditions and fair wages, ensuring software integrity, ensuring safe disposal of hazardous materials - become secondary. The products and services themselves become secondary. MAKING MONEY BECOMES THE PRIMARY GOAL.
Oh, and the government is in the business of helping private enterprise make money. We're still 5.something trillion dollars in the hole, so don't think the government has cash to spare.
Matt Singerman
Corel Draw / Photopaint for Linux? (Score:2)
Will there be Linux versions of Corel Photopaint and Corel Draw? I could live without Quicken, but I cannot live without Photopaint. I would also like to use it on my more capable hardware. You would definitely have one sale
Other Platforms/Open Source (Score:2)
Re:Do you believe in Open Source? (Score:2)
For the record, I wouldn't necessarily blame him for being cautious in just recklessling letting all the cows out of the barn, so to speak.
That being said, I think the rules change a bit when they decided to release their own distribution. At that point, they aren't just developing products for Linux, they are embracing the entire development model. So do they believe in the model or not?
Re:the moderators have it in for you, Tim (Score:2)
That's what I thought at first, but just to set the record straight, BrettJB (see other note) accidently moderated me as a troll. He wrote an e-mail apologizing to myself and asked SlashDot to fix the moderation. They (or someone) restored it to 5, but left the "Troll". As Brett pointed out, I'm probably the only +5 Troll post.
I feel strangely honored. :)
Heh (Score:2)
This is my polite way of asking, "Have you jumped on the Linux bandwagon as a cynical attempt to save Corel, or have you really become a believer in Open Source? If so, prove it."
Re:Future of Corel Linux (Score:2)
Err... Where exactly does it say so? It's a bug in the docs (and one I don't want to see in 6.2 again). You can dual-boot Red Hat Linux and NT without problems.
Re:Corel, Qt, and licensing (Score:2)
Not quite that useless... (Score:2)
I disagree absolutely. If I ever were to marry, maybe even someone who isn't familiar with Linux, I probably wouldn't want to have her mess up my
If I ever were to get kids, I'd definitely not let them tamper with anything
I'd let them use Linux as a normal user though... No problems at all.
Much the same holds true for businesses - why would I want a "This stupid box has a spell checker, so why doesn't it correct me when I mistype my password"-type of secretary to mess with config files, or delete vital files (Those of you who work in support/help desks/...: How many times did you have to fix the "I never use that C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM stuff, so I deleted it to save some space" problem?)
Silly Chick Question (Score:2)
Was your wife's dress really worth a million dollars? No, really?
Where do you find such a dress? I don't really want one, but the concept kind of amazes me.
Who's in a weird mood.
Interview Moderation Suggestion (Score:3)
Security, Speed, Stability (Score:3)
Debian release cycles (Score:3)
Are you concerned about the slow speed of Debian's release cycles? How do you plan to promote your Linux distribution over competitors who have more up to date packages on their distributions?
Oh, Canada (Score:3)
Future of Corel Linux (Score:3)
Actually, how about Corel and *Python*?! (Score:3)
I would like to echo the question, but substitute Python for perl. I'm sure
(p.s. thanks for pushing Linux for so long, Mr. Cowpland -- I liked your CompuTalk interview several months ago!)
releasing win32/linux version at the same time (Score:3)
Joel - www.game-over.ch [game-over.ch] - Jesus rules!
Corel multilingual products (Score:3)
January Weiner
Corel, Qt, and licensing (Score:3)
One thing I read about in reviews of the Corel Linux OS is that Corel uses a modified version of the Qt 1.4x library. How are these changes licensed, and what's Troll Tech relationship with them? Also, is it planned to incorporate these changes in sort of a "Qt 1.45", or will these changes remain "Corel only"?
On the same topic, how do Corel plan to realease their enhanced File Manager and other tools, if you plan to release them to the open at all?
Marcelo Vanzin
Re:Open sourceing small pieces (Score:3)
Mozilla is an illustration of the problems in "open sourcing" something: The Mozilla folks eventually recognized that it was a loss and just reimplemented the project as an open-from-the-start project.
When I hear about someone "opensourcing" something previously closed, I visualize someone with a sharp knife "opening" a dead fish.
XML in Corel products (Score:4)
What is Corel's/your overall approach to XML/SGML? Will we see XML document support in WordPerfect for Linux? How about in other products where the fit seems quite natural, such as Trellix (for object-based structured/modular text), or Quattro Pro (working directly in MathML documents, etc)?
Re:What are the issues in the Corel stock case? (Score:4)
IIRC, he sold a whack of stock and paid off some debts a month before the results of a dissapointing quarter came out. He was being charged with insider trading.
http://dailynews.yaho o.com/h/nm/20000114/tc/tech_corel_3.html [yahoo.com]
I don't know why this warrants such a high moderation. The questions have been answered all over the media, and Cowpland has given "no comment" whenever anybody asked for more details.
It seems only natural that an exec would be investigated for selling off stock a month before a dissapointing quarter. However I'll be surprised if he's convicted of any wrongdoing... the stocks he sold didn't drop that much, and are now worth triple what he sold them for. A month is a long time in the terms of a quarter.
Regardless, I'm as ignorant as the next guy about the details of the case.
Open sourceing small pieces (Score:4)
A wealthy eccentric who marches to the beat of a different drum. But you may call me "Noodle Noggin."
Unified printing subsystem (Score:4)
So basically my question is this. Having ported graphic-intensive applications to Linux, how do you feel the lack of a unified printing subsystem will affect Linux's viability on the desktop level? I know from personal experience that coding print support into a native X windows applications is several orders of magnitude more difficult than printing from a Windows application simply because the MFC architecture provides a nicely coupled printing subsystem built around the same architecture as the display subsystem. Do you know of a move or an architecture under X that more closely ressembles this approach and if so, how do you feel it compares? If not, how are desktop grade applications going to compete on the Linux platform when they have such a large problem to overcome individually?
And I guess on a related note, how do Corel products address this problem? I remember Wordperfect 7 for Linux included a large number of printer drivers that I assume Corel had written themselves. Do you feel that this is a reasonable approach for all applications to take? If not, what do you propose as a more general solution?
Existing Companies in Linux Community (Score:4)
Corel Linux Licensing issues (Score:5)
What are the issues in the Corel stock case? (Score:5)
Dave Aiello
free as in beer (Score:5)
Giving Back to the Community (Score:5)
There is a general sense that, besides trying to increase shareholder value, Red Hat and VA are giving back to the community by employing GNOME hackers, kernel hackers, etc.
Red Hat and VA benefit from doing this, of course, but only in the sense that it benefits the free software community as a whole.
What sort of things are Corel doing along these lines? Have you hired any free software celebrities and given them the mandate to hack on anything want? What non-Corel development projects are you funding? Besides bigger and better graphical installers, what benefits will the average non-Corel Debian user derive from your involvement?
The Bazaar Model (Score:5)
Unfortunately, the same does not happen with either the Debian Project or the KDE Project, where you took their product, made a better product out of them and released back the finished products. In Free Software jargon, what you made is a fork.
Now, although Corel has released the source code to the enhanced forked products (as you were legally bound to, by the GPL), the enhancements made cannot be easily folded back into the respective projects because these projects have evolved since Corel's fork. So the original projects cannot immediately profit from the work Corel's engineers put on them.
Also, because the Free Software programmers are already commited to the original projects, Corel's forks won't benefit much from the Free Software advantages of constant peer review and bug fixes.
So, my question is: What was the motivation behind the decision not to fully cooperate in a Bazaar way with Debian or KDE projects but enhance them in a Cathedral way? At first I thought the answer was that Corel just didn't understand Open Source projects, but after seeing your comendable cooperation with the Wine Project I am now puzzled. Could it be that you needed a shipping product fast and could not afford to follow their release cycles?
And now that Corel Linux has seen the light of day, does Corel intend to work on folding its enhancements back into the original projects or will you keep on with the forking, thereby forfeiting most benefits from Open Source development model?
I understand that a question similar to this one was asked during your keynote speech at TheBazaar and your answer to it involved equating the number of download attempts of Corel Linux to the success and acceptance of your distribution, to which I am inclined to reply that such a high number of downloads is a good gauge of the amount of curiosity Corel Linux managed to gather or, at most, of the quality of your programmers, but not of the success of Corel in cooperating with the comunity.
Corel Linux and Red Hat Linux (Score:5)
Corel Office (Score:5)
Canada and Corel (Score:5)
The most important question of them all... (Score:5)
Matt Singerman
Competing on the Linux Desktop (Free Software) (Score:5)
However, we can expect that in the Linux "market," your applications will face a different kind of competition from Free Software. For example, KOffice (which also includes a vector drawing tool) will no doubt be competing with WP Office and CorelDraw; of course the Gimp will be competing with Photopaint.
We have all heard the advantages of the Open Source development models, but from your perspective, what are the particular challenges that Free Software offers you as a vendor of competing commercial, closed-source applications? How do you plan do deal with these challenges? Do you perceive these projects as less of a threat than your traditional competitors (eg. Microsoft), a similar threat, or even an asset?
I wish you the best of luck with all of Corel's endeavours!
Progress on Java and the Internet... (Score:5)
But the landscape is still shifting towards that dream of Internet-only applications, and even Microsoft seems to be keen in taking advantage of this new trend.
Does this mean Corel will take another stab at Corel Office for Java? ...and hopefully release a superior product capable of harnessing new technologies such as Java Just-in-time compilers and faster processors, because we all know Java will always be a much better solution than Windows Terminal Server.
Does Corel have an ASP (Application Service Provider) strategy?
And does Corel have plans to enter the Net-Appliance market? (Not with hardware, but with software)
And finally, what would you consider are key points in ensuring Corel Linux wins in the Personal Computer market?
Corel and Perl (Score:5)
In a midsize financial company where I work, Perl is a fundamental platform and core competence. If you were to give Corel office with Perl, we would stop needing VB expertise that we currently hate/but have to support.
What do you see as a problem in integrating Perl as a base scripting language with Corel Office ?