After this
Slashdot discussion about the relationship between BIOS biggie
American Megatrends Inc. (AMI) and Palladium appeared, we got an email from AMI sales engineer (and former contributor) Brian Richardson, who wrote, "I am a bit concerned that the information you provided misled your readers into thinking AMI was promoting
Palladium or taking some sort of anti-open-source stance. This might be due to the fact that
TCPA was mistakenly
equated to Palladium, or questioning how Linux would run on a TCPA-enabled system ... or by the horde of angry Slashdot readers telling us they would never buy an AMI product because we were forcing standards on them." Brian offered himself up as (his words) a "Slashdot interview victim" to clear things up.(
Update by RM: And, says Brian, he's happy to answer other BIOS questions as well.) So ask, already, and let's get things cleared up. (Usual Slashdot interview rules.)